By: Mary L Bennett, CEC, CIA, MBA The accounting, consulting and legal professions, as well as many other financial services professions, have been working on diversity, equity and inclusion challenges and opportunities for decades. Increasingly organizations are moving to a broader definition of diversity, equity and inclusion that encompasses all of the factors that make us individuals. All of us bring a unique individuality to everything we do. The business focus is driven by the perfect storm of increased demand for Talent which is outpacing the supply. Societal shifts are also pushing change, even in the face of legal risks which are effectively dealt with by working closely with legal experts and ensure your link your diversity, equity and inclusion efforts with your business strategy. Below are Some reasons for the continued focus on this as a business strategy: 1-Unprecedented retirement numbers 2-High turnover and a shortage of talent in the marketplace 3-Changing demographics not mirrored in these professions; increasing risks of irrelevance of these professions 4-lack of attractiveness of traditional long term career paths in these professions 5-Societal shifts relative to the pandemic such as quality of life and desire for remote work options What are the firms of the future doing to address talent and leadership shortages through their inclusion strategies? 1- Effective firms deeply understand, document and communicate their firm's customized business case for investing resources in the attraction, retention and advancement of those who mirror the talent pools and the marketplace. All levels of the firm should be considered, especially the leadership ranks. A more inclusive culture includes broadly defined diversity of thought at the leadership level in order to accomplish truly effective sustainable business strategy into the future. 2-Successful firms use their customized business case as a starting point to accurately diagnose their firm and its evolution toward building a more sustainable organization. Getting clear on commonly used terms and definitions is often one component in the diagnostic process. Understanding the desired future state and why creates a sight line for guidance and course correction. Diversity is our individuality. the differences and similarities in all of us. every person on the planet has dimensions of individuality. Equity is about ensuring everyone has access to opportunity within the culture; equity is not accomplished by treating everyone the same. Inclusiveness is the degree to which the organization successfully integrates and leverages the uniqueness and individuality of its employees; hearing all voices, tapping into the unique contributions they bring. Inclusiveness is also measured by a sense of belonging and the perception of equitable access among ALL employees. strategies must include everyone in the organization. This is about our similarities and differences and how we HARNESS these to succeed together. Understanding where the organization is in terms of maturity, and therefore readiness for strategy implementation, is essential to avoid significant mis steps. A common example of such a mis step is the attempted implementation of educational programming before the business case and strategic context is solidly in place. In this situation, it is very difficult to obtain buy in from the leadership level and down through the entire organization. The firm may be moving towards outcomes that are not in alignment with where they most need to go from an strategy perspective. Organizations may quickly get confused about why they are undertaking various activities. Understanding where you want to go, why you want to go there and where you are starting from is essential. 3-have a defined a targeted set of strategies that align with the evolutionary readiness of the organization. This always begin with effective business case formation, communication plans and tangible diagnostic preparedness. There are many strategies that can be employed, the firm must understand the foundational elements noted above before selecting strategies. This is not a one size fits all strategy. Nuances and specifics matter. Also, There are always resource challenges. it is critical to engage in the strategies that will most effectively move the firm towards it's vision of success relative to business strategy overall. The diagnostic process will help to avoid pitfalls that can take years to recover from, while moving the firm towards tangible progress. Doing the right things, for your organization at the right time in it's evolution. Do not hesitate to contact us at for more information. By: Mary L Bennett, CEC, CIA, MBA
If we manufacture widgets we use materials, work in process and machines that combine with people power to create a product. If we are in the knowledge business we harness and combine the talents of our people to create the services we sell. We use equipment such as computers to support the service development and delivery and we may have a quasi tangible product such as financial statements or tax returns. It is difficult to deny, however, that the primary input to the delivery of the services we offer is our people. The raw knowledge of our teams combined with their capability to create value with that knowledge is our "product". Why is it then that in so many Firms we still see more time and effort spent on the upkeep of our IT equipment then we do on the upkeep of our people and their talents. This is not in any way to suggest that we should not invest in our IT equipment but that we consider the technological contributions along side the human contributions. Our people are our business. If we understand that our people are THE essential asset of our organization we also understand that we must invest in them to maintain and increase the contribution they make. If you are not getting the contribution you need from your people you might ask yourself if you treat them as important organizational assets. Consider some basic tips below: -We certainly should invest in a regular review of the performance and development of our people- just as we engage in regular review and update of our software and hardware. -We track our physical business assets but at any given point do we know where are people assets are? Might a competitor be working on pulling these assets out the door ? What does it cost us to replace that talent in time and dollars? How do our clients feel about a revolving service team? -Unlike machines our people have needs, desires and dreams. Do we know what these are? Do we attempt to provide what they need? Is this not the ultimate barrier to exit? -We continually scan trends in the marketplace to ensure that we are investing in updated and/or new equipment to take our firms into the future. Do we actively evaluate the competencies we will need for the future and follow through in recruiting and development of these new competencies? Do we prepare our culture for these new competencies? Where would we be if we attempted to run our 2012 computers in the technological environment we used in 2000 or earlier? Are we not in some cases attempting to meet the needs of 2012 with the competencies of the past? Or we recognize the need for new competencies but ask them to thrive in the traditional environment of our past? Our people are our business, does our investment in them reflect this fact? |
AuthorWelcome to my blog. Thank you for joining me! I am Mary, founder of MLBennett Consulting. The thirty years I have spent working with clients, developing consulting practices, leaders and organizations have led me to strategic outcomes and consistent passions. I am well known in the accounting industry, but also work with professional services firms and corporate clients. I founded the MLBC organization because I am deeply experienced and passionate about the inclusive development of individuals and organizations. I believe our success and sustainability begins with our people and the strategic processes and programs that support their development. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are critical in building a sustainable organization. I hold an MBA, CIA and multiple coaching certifications. Archives
October 2024